I hope everyone is enjoying this amazing week and can some how see my new games and play time after the 15th of this month kisses!! can't wait!!!!!
hiii loves im almost done purchasing everything I know I have a lot of VIPS and I know its a lot to ask but if you can I will send one back send over a free gift I will send one back! I have games we can play im so excited ahhh also reviews if you know me lots of spoiling will be happening as you see I have already started on some of my loves everyone that seen me yesterday it meant the world I will be back tonight or tomorrow am I will keep you posted I had to move my schedule around because of the free yes free privates some of you all received during valentines day!!
Dont forget if you have toy of Lingerie request Let me know loves
Well it says I am in 7th place but I did not dodo the hours I just want to thank everyone so much that stopped by just to say hi even ill bee back on tomorrow I want to finish buying new toys and outfits for everyone any requests message me I see I have a lot to open I will also be doing that tonight I can't believe how many messages I have from everyone I missy all soso much and I can't wait till tomorrow I am just trying to get everything straight before I move if you would like to help while im offline its my target tip goal I am so grateful for each and everyone of you dont ever forget that also if you send anything over while im offline expect to receive something back I may hop on for a little tonight I will let everyone know I just want to be prepared this year for you all and rested.
I think it is time to make a schedule what do u say??
im buying new things for my cam room any recommendations?? Chocolates, whipped-cream.....
HIII Loves so I've been thinking ive been doing 3/4 shows a day on my members only you can subscribe or tip1001 for me too take care of it by being on memy members only, snap,3/4 shows a day pictures over 10!!,and I was thinking THINKING about making videos!! I know ive alway been against them but hey everyone has seen all of me anyways what do u think??
any show recommendations? also I will be on tomorrow I think I will have to take all new photo for everyone we'll at least for my fan club... what do u say 5 a login?
sooo long story short we can can get to FOTY even though I didn't work this year I asked high in some categories so I can still be in it!! because of each and everyone of you guys iloveyou more then I can say and express guys thankyou so lets start again I can will if you vote or tip! for example this month!!! so lets get to moving as well as to busting my booty!! join in my fan club as I said the photos and videos need to be new so please please be patient with me :) I will be working night and days and sometimes throughout the say buy mid month I will post a schedule for everyone!
hii lovess ill be on in a little maybe just a chill night from the traveling please take a look at the tip target goal also I am working in the profile photo love you all!!!!
Why cam? That is the number one question I am always asked I love my job I love each and everyone of you you guys you all go above and beyond for me if I'm having a bad day all I wanna do is sign online or if something happens the group of people I want to tell is my men aren't that have never ever judged me (you guy). no one understands or will understand why cam? Unless you've actually been in our situation it's not just a fantasy some of my closest friends are online I wish even the smallest minded people understood in my eyes why this is my life my world and will be and has been since the day I turned 18 Iloveyou All!
Hiii loves I am online!!! we have 8 minutes left till my big show!!!!!!
his loves I am online still I need boosts and favorites please maybe some reviews and notifications so they can tell u when I am online pleaseee anything help I missed everyone so much I know a year is too long I owe everyone august 27th is my bday I have a surprise for you!!!
Hi guys I just want to let everybody know thank you for the past few days it means the world to me also want to let everybody know as you can see there's gonna be a lot of changes including my fan page and blog so if you guys love something that I posted just let me know so I can make you happy remember to always burst for me please I will be online soon guys I know it's been a year but I'm not going anywhere any more I'm so happy to be back I miss everybody so much especially on my birthday 27 August I have something big planned!!
Hii loves I hope everyone is safe and sound! I&'ll see you tomorrow follow Me
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