I decided to visit my parents. Summer, heat, the weather is in full swing. I bought plane tickets. I flew to my parents in the city. They met me at the airport. I joyfully ran to meet them with open arms. It's been so long since we've seen them, like it's been forever. We drove home in the car, and I chatted all the way without closing my mouth. They listened to me and smiled. When we got home, I almost burst into tears. At home, he still smells delicious and native. Almost nothing has changed. We ate a cake and decided that we would go to the lake for the night. We took tents, firewood, meat, marshmallows and much more. We loaded it all into the car, bought ice cream and left. We arrived at the lake, set up tents and immediately went swimming. The water is a little cool, and it's hot outside. Ideal. We swam, played ball, built sand castles, ate ice cream, fried meat and ate meat. At night we sat by the campfire next to the tents.They talked about life, I told a lot about my everyday adventures, they told a lot of things, told horror stories to each other and laughed I was cold, my father covered me with a blanket, and I fell asleep. In the morning we packed all our things and went home. I fell asleep again, only this time in the car. And when I woke up, we were already approaching the house. As it turned out, we also stopped by for burgers. Dad bought my favorite. It was so sweet. I will always remember this trip with my parents to the lake. Love and appreciate your loved ones.
Each of us has one or more goals that may change over time. This is a normal practice, because the main thing is to strive for something all the time. The point is precisely to realize your dreams and desires. Determine what is more important for you at the moment, and start acting.
summer is coming to an end, but I am sincerely glad of autumn, because I can say that this is one of my favorite seasons. it is neither hot nor cold outside. What time of year is your favorite and why?
Approximately 365 million people in the world have computers, and half of the world's population has never seen or used a telephone.
Animals always made me happy and created my mood for the whole day! Did you know that People who love animals are the least likely to be attracted to the population) That's probably why I'm such a good girl ð' ð~
I wondering what part of your life take history. I mean history of our life make us who we are, are you agree? Who we are without our history so we should appreciate our family,friends,relationship because it's our life it's our history!
Mountains or sea? These are two of the most fascinating and spectacular natural phenomena that I would like to be on, but it is quite difficult to choose one, but to be honest, I still prefer mountains!
I need to be brave! I tell myself this so often when a new path or opportunity opens up for something new and this fear of the unknown always occurs in my head and the only way is to be brave! Be bold!:*
First love, in my opinion, is one of the strongest feelings that we experienced in our lives, perhaps due to the fact that most likely we did not have experience and this was something new, unknown. Despite this, it was perfect!
vegetarianism, in my opinion, is a very strong and difficult decision for people, well, for me, certainly lol! I can&'t imagine life without meat, although I like animals very much, but still without meat I can live a long time)
Well, I finally moved to a new apartment that I had long dreamed of! It has an amazing repair, it is very spacious and comfortable! You know the feeling when you get what you wanted for a long time) So, it overwhelms me!
The constant presence in the room makes you think about things that you didn't think about before. For example: what if we live in the same room forever with only Internet access? Why is it so hard for people to be in the same place with the same people? Why are people so curious? Have you ever thought about it?
Here I am already 7 months in a new city. And everything would be fine if it weren't for the global pandemic. I rarely go out on the street and spend all my free time at home. of course, this has its advantages - I can do self-development, read books, take online courses, draw. But I really miss real communication with people. Only here in a place with you do I understand that I am not alone��But in any case I am very much waiting for the situation with the virus to be resolved and I will be able to live a full life again:)
I moved to Saint Petersburg 6 months ago. I thought about this decision for a long time! And now i'm finally here. I loved this city so much. I remember when i was in school i was dreaming about living in this city. There are so much awesome coffees, restraints, museums and so much more. I found many friends. My favorite place is Kazan Cathedral. It found place in the centre of the city near to the Nevsky prospect. I love to spend free time near to this place. Love to turn on music and listen my music. I always think about my dreams,my desires, my future. And it's not only one place where i love to walk. St Michael's Park is my second favorite place there i love to walk with my new friends, take photos, talk about everything. Seems like this city was made for me. I love everything what can be in this city. I want to stay there for a long time. And i hope i will:)
Thank you very much to those who helped me reach heights in this field! thank you everyone! and now I can create a fan club! don't miss it! I've already uploaded new photos, so be sure to check it out! I'm sure you'll like it!
I love to draw and have always tried to portray what I see around me through my paintings. I draw in my free time. Any person or any event are an inspiration. And that's why I like to find new friends it helps me to find me my inspiration for my work . I will tell you about how my creativity is developing! Hope for your support! XOXO
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