Hello guys,This is Matthew, and I want to share with you my dream. Since I was 8, I loved cars, trucks and other 4-wheel stuff. My father is a professional driver for bussines mans. I grew up and I turned 18, that was the moment where I took my driver license and all I wish is to buy my own car to drive everywhere I want, when I want. The perfect car for me is Volswagen Golf 5, I just love that car ! It's small, beautiful and adorable car. I also love Audi A6, but that it'a expensive car. I think it will be the perfect feeling to drive my own car. I have 5 questions for you guys:1. What is your favorite car and why it would be that ?2. What is your dream, and if you have all the money in the world, what would you buy first ?3. What are you willing to do to accomplish your dream ? Are you willing to do everything ?4. If you get 10.000$ dollars will you share them with your friends and family or you gonna spend them all alone ?5. What is your business idea ? Share it with us !
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